
Babita Malkani

Babita Malkani, a veteran in the fashion world, crafts cutting-edge silhouettes that exude a global appeal. Her designs range from modern edgy elements to subtly muted hues and metallic ornamentations. By inducing opulence and aesthetics, Babita Malkani's garments create an amalgamation of contemporary silhouettes and modern glamour. The brand is about finding your own personal style and having the vision to express it to the world. Recognized for her contributions to fashion, Babita Malkani has been awarded the “Fashion Icon of the Decade,” adding a golden feather to her hat of versatility.
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2nd September 1967

Educational Qualification

Graduate in Economics

Founding data/year of the brand

2008 | Mumbai

If your designs could speak, what would they say?

Every designer should believe that their designs speak. Mine are a non-verbal visualization of my experiences, reflecting both hardships and triumphs, all showcased on the canvas of the human body. After 16 years in the industry, I've learned that my designs speak for themselves. They inspire confidence through color and make every woman feel sexy in her silhouette.

What are the signature elements in your designs?

I like to work with interesting color palettes and play with the movement of fabric to compliment the female silhouette. I love incorporating embellishments and embroideries inspired by culture and art that have inspired me.

Which celebrity or personality do you dream of dressing?

Priyanka Chopra,

Which collection are you most proud of, and why?

I think the collection, "MeerMoti" has a very special place in my heart. It is inspired and dedicated to my mother, "Meera", and her astounding ability to shine in the face of adversity. She spent the better part of her childhood either as a refugee or as a dedicated wife and mother- yet through it all she insisted on remaining fashionable. So this collection really represents my mom's persistence in using fashion as one's armor and inspiring other women to do the same.

Where do you find inspiration for your designs?

My inspiration comes from the life experiences I value most dearly, which for the most part are my travels and indulgences in different cultures. Whether it be the shading and silhouettes of the caves of Cappadocia for "Irzina Kara" or the beautiful scriptures of Kashmiri carpets for "Talim"- my collections will always be my interpretations of the beauty in culture.

Which designer in the world inspires you?

Diane Von Furstenberg

Share a memorable "aha" moment from your design career.

One of my collections, "Iktar," drew inspiration from the Baul singers of Bengal. Their scriptures and instruments were woven into the textures and color palettes of my designs. As a designer, my "aha" moment came when I showcased this collection alongside a performance by the Baul Singers during a fashion show. The collaboration, the enthusiastic response, and the standing ovation from the audience were defining moments that affirmed my belief in the authenticity of incorporating diverse cultures and traditions into my fashion. I believe it cemented my identity as a designer who embraces and celebrates cultural diversity.