

New Delhi

Educational Qualification

Tejal Khurana: Hansraj College (B.Com. Hons); NIFT Delhi | Palak Khurana: DU (Pol Science Hons.); NIFT Delhi

Founding data/year of the brand

2021 | New Delhi

If your designs could speak, what would they say?

If our designs could speak, they'd whisper tales of elegance at brunches, sparkle under the fine dining lights, dance with joy at parties, shimmer in the club's neon glow, and radiate with festive cheer at every celebration. Our embellished handbags are more than accessories, adding a touch of glamour to every moment of your life.

What are the signature elements in your designs?

The signature elements in our designs include intricate embellishments, attention to detail, versatile styles suitable for various occasions, and a fusion of elegance with modern trends.

Where do you find inspiration for your designs?

Nature, abstraction, and everything blingy around us

Which designer in the world inspires you?

It's not limited to one designer, we're crazy about quite a few! However our formative years at Gaurav Gupta hold a special place in our hearts, as it was there that we not only honed our skills but also discovered our true passion for design. Working alongside the designer himself and being immersed in his creative environment was incredibly inspiring. His innovative designs, bold aesthetics, and attention to detail pushed us to think outside the box and strive for excellence in our own work.

Share a memorable "aha" moment from your design career.

"One unforgettable ""aha"" moment in our design career came during a seemingly ordinary phone call with a merchandiser from a new store. As we discussed potential collaborations, the merchandiser excitedly mentioned that they'd been hearing a lot of buzz about our brand lately and that cuustomers were raving about our designs and how cool our bags were. In that instant, everything clicked. The countless hours of hard work, creativity, and dedication were paying off in ways we hadn't fully realized until that moment. Hearing that our brand was gaining recognition and admiration from people we hadn't yet met was incredibly validating and exhilarating. It was a powerful reminder that our designs were resonating, creating a ripple effect of excitement and satisfaction among clients."