
Siddartha Tytler

Siddhartha Tytler is a visionary fashion designer celebrated for his eclectic fusion wear that masterfully blends old trends with new. His collections, known for their vibrant colors, exquisite embroidery, and stunning designs, create a unique and captivating aesthetic. From a young age, Siddhartha harbored a deep passion for fashion and couture, always aspiring to showcase his offbeat, quirky, and experimental style. Renowned for his structural and artistic pieces, he skillfully balances creativity with wearability in every ensemble he designs.
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14th February 1980

Educational Qualification

Fashion Graduate From Fit New York

Founding data/year of the brand

2001 | Delhi

If your designs could speak, what would they say?

I am always the centre of the room.

What are the signature elements in your designs?


Which collection are you most proud of, and why?

Couture 2020 and Couture 2021.

Where do you find inspiration for your designs?

From anywhere and everywhere, mainly from macabre sources.

Which designer in the world inspires you?

Gianni Versace

Share a memorable "aha" moment from your design career.

When Beyoncé wore my outfit.